Under normal circumstances, services are held monthly in Maidstone on Shabbat mornings as well as for Jewish festivals followed by a generous kiddush. Occasional Erev Shabbat services are held in members’ homes on Friday nights followed by a bring and share meal. A portable Library with a wide collection of books and CDs is available. A monthly Newsletter is circulated to members.
In our services, everyone sits together, men, women and children. Men and women participate as equals in all aspects of the service. Services are usually conducted by our Ba’al Tefilah (lay leader), assisted by memebers of the community. Occasionally, services will be led by a visiting Rabbi. Part of the service is read in English and part in Hebrew so that everyone can follow. Transliterations of the Hebrew are available. We use the Liberal Judaism prayer book Siddur Lev Chadash, which has parallel texts of Hebrew and modern gender-inclusive English, together with original English passages.
Mitzvot – lighting the candles, opening the ark, reading and so on – are carried out by members. In most cases Mitzvot are not arranged in advance, but are allocated at the time of the service.
KLJC is an egalitarian community; men and women may, if they wish, wear a kippah (skull cap) and tallit (prayer shawl), but these are not compulsory. Otherwise, there is no dress code.